Hunger Hope and Healing

                     Guidelines to Self Care

Healthy Boundaries, Healthy Body: Guidelines for Self-Care

Family and work-they help us feel a sense of purpose, belonging and fulfillment.  Yet, for those of us struggling with food addiction, body image or emotional eating, the obligations of work and family become overwhelming can cause us to feel like we’re falling apart.

Family and food can be triggers, as can the messages that surround our responsibilities in society, which are often unhelpful, even provocative. Be a good mother, a good wife, a good daughter.  You’re abandoning your child if you work.  You’re indulgent if you don’t work.  You have to take care of your parents as they age.  You’re ungrateful and selfish if you don’t.

The “Sea of Needs”: How to Prioritize your Own Needs

When we’ve had trouble identifying things like appetite, satiation, hunger, craving, feelings, emotions, or personal boundaries, we’ve likely struggled with identifying our needs. Ways this may present include:

  • We may put others needs ahead of our own.
  • We may be good at “need denying” behaviors.
  • We may support our friends, work mates, even people who are learning from us, to create healthy ways to meet their needs. We support them to rest when tired, stop when done, take time off when sick, eat when hungry, and so on. Yet we may find this difficult to do for ourselves.
  • We may reserve our needs for “later”. Yet, the postponement often doesn’t end. Until In this handout, I will walk you through how to understand your inner needs and how to make healthier choices when it comes to navigating your needs, amidst the sea of needs that flood in from others. You do not need to keep living with the banner of putting everyone else’s needs ahead of your own. Identifying your inner needs is an important step in disengaging with patterns that were created a long time ago and seem impossible to change. find ourselves in behaviors we would rather not be doing anymore, such as bingeing.
In this handout, I will walk you through how to understand your inner needs and how to make healthier choices when it comes to navigating your needs, amidst the sea of needs that flood in from others. You do not need to keep living with the banner of putting everyone else’s needs ahead of your own.  Identifying your inner needs is an important step in disengaging with patterns that were created a long time ago and seem impossible to change. 

Kindness in Self-Talk

Many women over the decades have shared how tormenting and taunting their inner critical voice can be. They often refer to it as their inner critic. And, frequently, we assume that it’s there to stay. There’s also an assumption that this inner voice is somehow helpful or accurate or has something meaningful to offer. But, this is worth questioning! 

It can be hard to imagine walking through life without the incessant intrusion of an inner critic. But, it is possible!! You can learn to be on your own team. To develop a voice of Self-Kindness.

In this handout, I will walk you through how to update your Inner Critic, including how to push back when necessary and how to REWRITE a whole new inner dialogue. One based in Self-Kindness for your inner voice. Self-Kindness is not a synonym for being fake or passive or fluffy. It’s a real practice with tactical things you can do to shift out of inner criticism into inner kindness.

Ounces on the See Saw: The Micro Adjustments of Vitality

There are small and large things we could be doing everyday to support our well-being, to create vital health, and to thrive rather than just survive. These things may be substance related, but they are also thought, behavior, and action-related.

When we try to adjust our lives in the direction of greater health and happiness, making incremental shifts will more likely lead to lasting behavior change, to behaviors that become your new normal.

This guide will walk you through several reflective prompts to clarify your intentions for what you need to do less and more of to increase vitality, equanimity and serenity in daily life.

Through a process of sculpting and inquiry you will create specific action items to follow through on. With this, you’ll be moving towards change while also demonstrating to yourself your accountability, your worth, and your investment in going in the direction of your health

Getting Out of the Trance of Diet-Culture Mentality

If you’ve been lured into diet culture one too many times, and you suspect there are reasons why it seduces you, try reading and applying these guidelines.

Free Yourself from Diet Culture Manipulation. Gain Control Over Your Relationship with Food.

Cultural Trance. When it comes to food and body image, countless people are lost in a trance. The way any of us thinks about food, dieting, exercising, and our body shape is culturally ubiquitous, media-driven, and insidiously embedded in our consumer mentality.

Reinforcing Fear Whether it’s dieting or body image (or myriad other places to focus our anxiety, such as money, beauty, having enough [this or that], accomplishment, or even approval from others), notions of gain, loss, reward, deprivation, accumulation, and fear are constantly reinforced. 

Family and food can be triggers, as can the messages that surround the holidays, which are often unhelpful, even provocative. (This counter-productive messaging is also common with weddings, family reunions, and other social events.)

Navigate Social Gatherings and Food with Ease

Family and food can be triggers, as can the messages that surround the holidays, which are often unhelpful, even provocative. (This counter-productive messaging is also common with weddings, family reunions, and other social events.)

Some of the most turbulent times in recovery occur during the holiday season —a mass-cultural phenomenon of overindulgence, disregard for seasonal health, and splurging with plans for atonement, a.k.a. binge now, diet later.

I have put together these guidelines to help you:

  • Create a plan for self-care
  • Check in with yourself and your needs before and during events
  • Prevent situations where blood sugar and cravings take control
  • Set and keep personal boundaries
  • Maintain your health and well-being through the challenges of the holidays

This guide is designed so you can commit to yourself now, during the holidays, and not wait for New Year’s Day (or any other “special occasion day”) to care for yourself wisely and well.

Relationships over the Holidays

Inevitably, holidays stir relationships. In this guide, you’ll find simple suggestions to interrupt exhaustive behavior patterns to set you free from overwhelm and the tendency to revert to old relational dynamics.We’ll focus on two yoga-inspired tools for navigating this, sometimes tricky, terrain:

  1. Acknowledge the Humanity in Others
  2. Set Clear Boundaries to Protect & Nourish your Wisest Self

Spending time with others can be nourishing and meaningful; but it can also feel stressful and draining. Put these suggestions into practice and empower yourself to say “YES” to your personal sovereignty. When you know your limits and speak up with direction and clarity, you’ll give yourself the gift of tender care and inspire other’s to do the same.