Hunger Hope and Healing

“If you are struggling with disordered eating patterns or just plain struggling with life, this program is for you. Sarahjoy’s vast knowledge of the things that women face in their lives will help you understand how you got here and most of all how you can rise up and get back to living your best life, as the best version of you.”


If you are a woman who has struggled with food and your body, and you want to have more power over food than it has over you, this course is for you.

If you are a woman who has struggled with caring for everyone else’s needs ahead of your own, this course is for you.

If you are a woman who has struggled with food and your body, and you want to be free from life-deadening diets and rigid thinking, this course is for you.

If you are a woman who has struggled with food and your body, and you want to reclaim your vibrancy and health, this course is for you.

If you are a woman who has struggled with food and your body, and you want to live honestly, free from shame and self-hatred, with the vitality you know is in you, this course is for you.


Our Most Popular Format: 360-Degree Full-Spectrum Recovery combines Your Recovery On Ramp & Healing Into Wholeness Programs.

The 360-Degree Full-Spectrum Recovery program is a highly supportive, interactive, online program you’ll receive the targeted and sustained support you need to achieve your 360-Degree Full-Spectrum Recovery.

We start with Your Recovery On Ramp Immersion – our 16-week program that gets you out of diet-culture, frees you from shame and self-hatred, and on your way to healthier personal boundaries and pro-active self-care.

Then we ramp up from your new stable foundation into Healing Into Wholeness as you heal and move into your full 360-Degree Full-Spectrum Recovery.  Healing Into Wholeness dives more deeply into resolving the root causes of the pain you’ve been in through yoga psychology, developmental psychology, trauma-healing, communication skills that clean up your life and your relationships, and an unwavering commitment to you living your best life.

  • You’ll receive in-depth teachings for your Hunger, Hope & Healing journey delivered directly to you to learn at a digestible pace.

  • Modular lessons sequenced to help you start the on-ramp to recovery from food-addiction and body issues

  • Targeted teachings from Ayurveda, brain-science, gut-health, and how to shore up your “Body Dashboard” to truly build your Personal Buoyancy.

  • Daily yoga and meditation practices & tools to help you care for yourself more wisely, lovingly, and consistently.

  • Weekly live support calls with Sarahjoy and Hunger, Hope & Healing Mentors, along with text access for immediate support.

  • Journal reflections to help you identify your needs, establish (and keep!) personal boundaries with family, work and friends, and transform your relationship to food.

  • Daily inspirations + motivations from Sarahjoy to help you start your day feeling centered and motivated

  • A program designed to support you even when you’re busy dealing with life.

  • Inclusion in our private WhatsApp group where you can ask questions and find support.

  • Hunger, Hope & Healing Breakthrough Sessions with Sarahjoy twice a month

  • Modular Lessons in the Psychology of Yoga and the Chakras

  • Modular Lessons in Developmental Psychology including Erickson, Kegan, and others

  • Modular lessons on the 6 Stations of the Mind including the tools to free yourself from maladaptive patterns of these stations and the skills to bring into the strengths of each station.

  • Deeper applications of Ayurveda for your digestive health and overall vitality

Your Recovery On Ramp Program

This program gets you out of diet-culture, frees you from shame and self-hatred, and on your way to healthier personal boundaries and pro-active self-care.

  • You’ll receive in-depth teachings for your Hunger, Hope & Healing journey delivered directly to you to learn at a digestible pace.

  • Modular lessons sequenced to help you start the on-ramp to recovery from food-addiction and body issues.

  • Targeted teachings from Ayurveda, brain-science, gut-health, and how to shore up your “Body Dashboard” to truly build your Personal Buoyancy.

  • Daily yoga and meditation practices & tools to help you care for yourself more wisely, lovingly, and consistently.

  • Weekly live support calls with Sarahjoy and Hunger, Hope & Healing Mentors, along with text access for immediate support.

  • Journal reflections to help you identify your needs, establish (and keep!) personal boundaries with family, work and friends, and transform your relationship to food.

  • Daily inspirations + motivations from Sarahjoy to help you start your day feeling centered and motivated

  • A program designed to support you even when you’re busy dealing with life.

  • Inclusion in our private WhatsApp group where you can ask questions and find support.

When you complete this program you will be eligible to join Healing Into WholenessYour Recovery On Ramp is a pre-requisite for participation guaranteeing that everyone is ready for the deeper level of exploration.  You can join sequentially or start RIGHT NOW with the full program: Your 360-Degree Full-Spectrum Recovery (and save 30%!).

Join Hunger, Hope & Healing



“The HOPE part of hunger, hope, and healing is very true. Before I didn’t see a way out. I am not there yet, but I can see being free of my food addiction as a future reality. This is a life-changing program.”


“The sense of community has been lovely and so integral to my ongoing recovery


“The most freeing for me was that I could start to let go of the feeling that it was all my fault or that I had to “fix” everything.


“I just never thought it would matter – taking care of myself. I knew how to take care of others. But, no, not myself. The longer this went on, the more my awareness of myself as someone who needed care shriveled.

“I was fine. Except that I wasn’t. I was deeply damaging myself in private. And seeming fine in public. My anxiety and self-hatred became volcanic. And then I met Sarahjoy.

“Wow, to understand the roots of self-hatred and food compulsion! And, not just to understand it, but to learn how to become free!

“My first steps in self-care felt very awkward. But Sarahjoy’s guidance, step-by step, along the way, I learned how to do it! Self-care became normalized for me! I now nourish my body, my brain, my mind and heart with a love and respect I would never have imagined.”


“I appreciated the concept of there being nothing wrong with me because I believed that there was everything wrong with me. I grew up feeling like I wasn’t enough or that I would never be enough.

The support I received from Sarahjoy and the other participants helped me believe in myself and that helped propel me forward to the next modules.”

About Sarahjoy Marsh


Hunger, Hope & Healing was founded by Sarahjoy Marsh to help women recover from food and body image issues and find freedom from self-hatred, blame and shame.

Sarahjoy Marsh, MA, E-RYT-500, C-IAYT yoga teacher, therapist and author, is a vibrant, compassionate catalyst for transformation to those that suffer from addictions – in particular disordered eating patterns/emotional eating.

The combination of her knowledge of powerful yoga and mindfulness tools, her ability to identify when a conditioned mind crowds out clear thinking and to inspire the courage to bring insight into action, her perspective on the terrain of the stages of recovery and the tools to use along the way to recovery make her methodology (outlined in her book Hunger, Hope & Healing: A Yoga Approach to Reclaiming Your Relationship with Your Body and Food) a comprehensive and effective healing modality.

Her 25+ year training and facilitation background includes transpersonal counseling, art therapy, and community mental health, the psychology of yoga, Ayurveda, and rehabilitative yoga.